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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Cherry, more good reading from Mary Karr

Keep meaning to plug Cherry, which I finally got around to reading. I'd originally read her first memoir, The Liar's Club, because I'd heard she was from around Port Arthur, where my folks are from. I had a hard time getting in to Cherry, when Jenni gave it to me awhile back. But I tried again on my trip to Chicago and buzzed through half of it on the flight.

posted at 4:16 PM

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Happy Summer Solstice

Though, depending on who you ask, I may be a day late.

I did chance to see the huge orange moon rising when I went for a walk last night.

posted at 10:44 AM

Friday, June 17, 2005

firedance with me

Bubba and I checked out a couple of the many firedancers along Guadalupe last night as Third Thursday was winding down. These two were behind Wheatsville Co-op. (Video from my cell phone camera.)

posted at 3:55 PM

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Stendhal's syndrome

and yes, I did suffer from Stendhal's syndrome. I was quite dizzy coming out of the MCA and decided that that would probably not be the time to go to the Hancock Center (and activate my acrophobia on top of my Stendhal's syndrome). I get dizzy just thinking about it.

posted at 4:59 PM

Chicago, cont'd

Also saw a great, if not dizzying, show at Museum of Contemporary Art, called "Universal Experience: Art, Life, and the Tourist’s Eye," which worked perfectly for me, as I was in full-on tourist mode, since I don't know anyone in Chicago. Just bumpin' around seeing the sites.

Like the view from the Hancock Bldg. and the fishies at Shedd Aquarium.

Here are my photos from my trip. I took less photos and more video on this trip. (Lots of video of fish at Shedd.) Also took a few with my phone camera. I may upload them later.

(The image above was a sculpture or installation [?] outside the MCA.)

posted at 3:39 PM

Irene Hardwicke Olivieri in Chicago

Went to Chicago over the weekend for the opening of a solo show by
Irene Hardwicke Olivieri at Carl Hammer Gallery. Wonderful paintings. It was great to see the details that are lost in web and print reproductions. Although, Hammer Gallery's site has some pretty huge JPGs of some of her paintings, some nearly to scale.

posted at 3:14 PM