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Tuesday, March 29, 2005

in the punk press again

Looks like some of my old punk photos will be published again soon. One of my photos even graces the cover of Going Underground, and several more should be included inside. Looking forward to seeing this in print. I've been corresponding with the author for years.

posted at 8:40 AM

Thursday, March 24, 2005

My interview with Mark E. Smith

has finally seen the light of day. I haven't gotten a copy yet of Left of the Dial - Winter 2004/2005, but it has been scanned and loaded onto the Fall fan site.

posted at 9:44 PM

Monday, March 21, 2005

missed it again

Once more, I missed every bit of sxsw, except the increase in tattoos and sunglasses at local restaurants. I went down Thursday night to see if there was any chance in hell of getting in to see M.I.A., but there was a line down the block and a big sign saying NO NO NO (wristbands, badges, admittance).

Walked by Bull McCabe's, where everyone was covered in shamrocks and beer. This was the extent of my St. Patrick's Day experience.

I missed a lot. Maybe it was too much to expect after pulling two all-nighters last weekend at The Dicks reunion.

I've still got the creepin' crud that's been going around.

posted at 1:49 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Dicks Reunion at Room 710

What a wild time. The Dicks Reunion at Room 710 last Friday and Saturday (I missed the Sunday show). It was so great to hear some of my old favorites. And it was great to see so many old and new friends. Here are some pics I took of The Dicks back in the day.

posted at 1:27 PM

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Stephen J. Ducat Dissects 'Anxious Masculinity'

Great interview on BuzzFlash: "Stephen J. Ducat Dissects 'Anxious Masculinity,' Making Sense of America's Strutting, in a Psychoanalytic Kind of Way."

"This femiphobia--this male fear of being feminine--operates unconsciously in many men as a very powerful determinant of their political behavior. Also, this femiphobia constitutes a very significant motive for fundamentalist terrorism."

So good. Thanks, Lana, for the link.

posted at 9:56 AM

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Rip it Up: postpunk by Simon Reynolds

Oh, I've been waiting for this book for awhile. Will have to wait a little longer, I guess, but it's getting closer.

via Stevie Nixed

posted at 2:06 PM