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Wednesday, June 23, 2004

last post for June?

I'm off tomorrow for a week in a tent in upstate New York. Not expecting to have any internet access out there, but we'll see. Hoping to see a few new birds (and other critters) and forget completely about work.

posted at 12:53 PM

Friday, June 18, 2004

power blogger indeed

more like dead blog.

Held a Mockingbird this morning. As I walked into the building where I work, a Mockingbird took off down the hall in front of me and flew into our library. I followed it in there and into someone's office. Closed the doors, turned off the lights, and went over and gently caught it. It gave a couple of peeps and a squawk. I took it outside,and it flew away. Interesting way to start the workday.

posted at 8:18 AM