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Friday, May 21, 2004

i power blogger

Man, the changes at Blogger are very impressive. I don't want to use a lot of the features on this blog, but I'm going to try out more of them on my new blog The Pop Group Jukebox. This was an idea I had one sleepless night. I've been enjoying various mp3 blogs, especially The Mystical Beast and fluxblog. So, I decided to make an mp3 blog for my site on The Pop Group, the insane post-punk experimental free-jazz dub funk freak-out from Bristol, circa 1978-80, in which I'll feature various tracks by The Pop Group and also tracks from various bands that spun out of the wreckage after The Pop Group blew up.

posted at 10:19 AM

The Real New Fall Album

the real new fall album
I keep forgetting to post, well, anything, really, but specifically the link to a couple of mp3s from The Fall's new album. I think the new one's quite good. Open the god damn box!

posted at 9:41 AM

Monday, May 10, 2004

History repeats itself

A Report on Mesopotamia - by T.E. Lawrence: "The Baghdad communiques are belated, insincere, incomplete. Things have been far worse than we have been told, our administration more bloody and inefficient than the public knows."

Written in 1920.

posted at 10:24 AM

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

33 Degrees closing

Just got a depressing email from my favorite record store: 33 Degrees is closing at the end of this month. Damn, not just a record store but a part of the music community. quaquaversal's first public performance was in the original tiny 33 Degrees. Such a fun place to shop or see bands and guzzle beer. We'll miss 'em.

posted at 5:15 PM

Monday, May 03, 2004

The Fall

Jenni and I met Mark E. Smith and the rest of The Fall Saturday night. I interviewed Mark for LOTD, which was bizarre. Editor David has somehow decided I'm a writer. I haven't been able to listen to the interview. Too painful. I am not a journalist and having to cut my interviewing teeth with Mark E. Smith was unnerving. I hope I got something of use....

The Fall were great. The new, as-of-yet-unreleased, album is excellent. Photos soon.

posted at 4:45 PM

Something for you to buy at your local record store

The latest issue of Left of the Dial features 10 pages of my Idle Time archive (old punk photos) . Of course, you can see all of mine online, but not the other photographers in the issue.

posted at 4:37 PM

This is where I want to be today

Suoi Tien theme park, Saigon-HCMC/ Vietnam

via BoingBoing

posted at 4:25 PM