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Friday, April 30, 2004

The secret revealed

"The secret of the demagogue is to make himself as stupid as his audience so that they believe they are as clever as he." -Karl Kraus, 1874-1936

via ::: wood s lot :::

posted at 8:22 AM

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

London Booted - A tribute to the Clash

London Booted - A tribute to the Clash
Crazy mash-ups of London Calling. As one young GYBO poster, who wasn't very familiar with The Clash said, "will it inspire me to search out the original clash tracks...i dont think so."

via GYBO

posted at 12:37 PM

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

welcome, your majesty

Jenni and I went home at lunch to find that the first of our Monarchs had emerged from its crysalis. Why, it seems like only yesterday that it was a wee tot, a colorful caterpillar, munching on Milkweed leaves.

posted at 12:56 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Sloganator Memorial

Sloganator Memorial

thanks, Jenni (and bushcheneysloganator yahoo group)

posted at 3:15 PM

GYBO - and don't forget it....... - Smells Like Beach Boys

Just found this mash-up of Nirvana and Beach Boys on GYBO: Smells Like Beach Boys

Works for me. Somehow reminiscent of Thin Lizzy, in a weird way. But maybe that's just me.

posted at 10:50 AM

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Lennart Nilsson - the photographer

Lennart Nilsson is the man behind the stunning imagery in Life's Greatest Miracle.

posted at 1:56 PM

Sex Ed - NOVA style

Just kidding about that Sex Ed stuff, but we watched the most amazing NOVA special last night. Incredible photography and computer modeling - hard to tell which was which, sometimes. Viewable online here: NOVA Online | Life's Greatest Miracle

posted at 1:38 PM

Tuesday, April 13, 2004


While we were kayaking on the Frio River, Saturday, someone I knew was paddling her last river in upstate New York. My friend's little sister, an expert kayaker, died when she got pinned behind a 15 foot waterfall on the Mettawee River.

Posting on boatertalk by someone who was with her when she died.

Eulogy by her father on Northeast Paddlers Message Board.

We will definitely be making a memorial contribution to American Whitewater, as requested by her family.

posted at 9:42 AM

Monday, April 12, 2004

how cool is this?


Pretty durn cool. More crazy animated gifs here.

posted at 2:51 PM

first kayaking trip in a long time

honda and mongoose
Friday afternoon, I headed out west to meet up with the kayaking gang in Garner State Park. First road trip in my new old car, and first time I'd strapped my big old Mongoose kayak on the roof rack. Didn't have a noticeable effect on my gas mileage, which was surprising.

Absolutely gorgeous hill country between Kerrville and Garner State Park, through the aptly named "Utopia, Texas."

Slept out on the ground, but the stars hid behind a blanket of grey sometime before midnight. The river was up and running nicely. Kayaking was good, but a cold front and a storm blew in before we got off the river. We finished the trip in a torrential downpour, with lots of lightning, too close for comfort. But at least we weren't in inner tubes. The tubers were a miserable lot.

posted at 9:25 AM

Friday, April 09, 2004

'Odd music'

Musical Instruments Gallery, Music Gallery, Experimental music, and Music Downloads - Groovy!

Thanks, Rodney.

posted at 11:51 AM

Friday, April 02, 2004

A rousing speech

"Earth to boring guy..." (to quote Bart Simpson).

Thanks, Jenni.

posted at 11:24 AM

Thursday, April 01, 2004

April fool

Cheers to Friedrich Blowhard, who played the only April Fool's joke I was aware of.

I pay homage here with another Elvgren beauty from the thepinupfiles.com

I love this Elvgren 'shot', also.

posted at 3:30 PM

Spring update

Our butterfly weed finally attracted a butterfly or two. We've got a whole bunch of these regal caterpillars, some of which will eventually metamorphose into Monarch butterflies.

posted at 1:53 PM