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Friday, November 21, 2003

24 Hour Party People

Finished reading 24 Hour Party People last night. An entertaining read. But, just like the movie, which I have on DVD, I enjoyed the first half better than the last. I don't know if that's because I'm a Joy Division fan (first half) and have barely heard of the Happy Mondays and the Hacienda or um, something else about the second half. Still, a fun and funny book.

posted at 3:18 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Modern Drunkard

"Grab hold me, boys! I’m about to rear up on my hind legs and take a bite outta the fuckin’ moon!"

Modern Drunkard Magazine is funny.

posted at 3:16 PM


Damn. It's so windy out, it looks like the Shumard oaks outside my office window will crack in half. And it's clear blue and sunny out.

posted at 11:06 AM


So, what rock have I been hiding under? Why have I never heard of Moondog? Just read The Guardian article, The marvellous life of Moondog, which prompted me to find the fansite, Moondog's Corner. Now I will want to track down some of his music. Damn.

posted at 11:00 AM

Monday, November 17, 2003

BlogRolling messed up?

I guess the server upgrade over at BlogRolling.com didn't go so smoothly. My blogroll has been replaced by over a dozen links to "Laura's Blog." I first noticed it at 3375537, then I noticed my own blogroll was freaked out. I'm afraid to click on Laura's blog lest it be one of those viral javascript thingies. Oh, not to worry. Just tried it on a Mac and Laura's server must've been shut down by the sudden overload of traffic.

posted at 9:33 AM

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

black market clash

Black Market Clash This link is for me. I love encyclopedic sites like this. Every tiny bit of trivia available about The Clash. Through this site, I was able to track down info on a live Clash tape stolen from my (parents') car in 1980 and that I have missed ever since. (Don't laugh. It was a great tape. Cleveland 1979.) Now, I hope to track down a copy. I was going to contribute a scan of my 1979 ticket stub from the Armadillo World Headquarters, but I see they already found it on my site. That's thorough!

posted at 4:16 PM

Saturday, November 08, 2003

We're the Beastie Boys, not Cheech & Chong

Paul's Boutique Samples and References List (Beastie Boys )

Oh, now this is the stuff. Glad to find this site. I'm listening to the CD now! (Yes, I know the Cheech and Chong quote is from Licensed to Ill!) Paul's Boutique is the best of the Beasties.

posted at 9:48 AM

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Yogic party tricks

I've been working on learning to do an unsupported handstand. Just for fun. It's not really something we work on in yoga class. It's just something I read about in YogaJournal's article, Standing on Your Own Two Hands, and thought, 'WOW, wonder if I'd ever be able to do that?' As it turns out, the answer is yes.

I needed to learn a new trick. I think the last one I learned was the Eskimo roll in my kayak, but I got spooked and forgot how to do it! And before that it was blowing smoke rings, when I took up smoking (cigars) in my early 30's (having previously been decidedly anti-smoking). But since I quit smoking a month or so ago, I needed a new trick to work on. And somehow this one is strangely rewarding.

posted at 9:21 AM

Monday, November 03, 2003

Bug Scanner

I was scanning negatives when this little fella found his way in to the picture. He's enlarged about 10X (20X in the linked photo).

posted at 9:12 PM