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Friday, October 31, 2003

Happy Halloween

So, this is the last day of October, and so, even though I've been slow to blog these days, I feel the need to post before November starts. I'm not even sure if we're going out to celebrate the Devil's Holiday, but y'never know. Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen.

posted at 7:20 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Common Errors in English

This website, Common Errors in English, is just my cup o' tea. A wealth of helpful information and humorous (and persnickety) explanations, y'all. Continuing the jihad against illiteracy.

posted at 3:25 PM

Monday, October 27, 2003

weird clouds

Nigel, over at the yes/no interlude, posted photos of the bizarre clouds over Austin Friday afternoon. Jenni, Gerry, and I were enjoying the show from the patio at Nuevo Leon after work.

posted at 9:45 AM

Friday, October 24, 2003

Sailor Jack's weird sense of humor

Hey, Sailor Jack, Bingo, whasso funny about that? (Bingo's the one saying "Move it!") Freaks!

When Dervala compared herself to a shark in this context (sort of) a few days back, I tried to post this 'cartoon' in her comments, but dadburn Movable Type doesn't accept that sort of html in comments. Probably just as well.

posted at 2:13 PM

Happy United Nations Day

posted at 1:15 PM

where's my fibroma?

Saw an oral surgeon on my lunchbreak to have him look -just look- at my fibroma, a little bump on the inside of my cheek, and he went ahead and cut it out. Now I've got 4 stitches where my "little friend" was. Don't try to search "oral fibroma" unless you want to see some really disgusting photos of things much worse than my little bump. Gag.

Not really looking forward to the local anesthetic wearing off.

posted at 12:58 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Free Money

That was the subject of the email I almost deleted (for obvious reasons), but then I saw it was from my sister-in-law. She was searching the Texas Unclaimed Property website and found that her two brothers-in-law had money out there just waiting to be claimed. I've got $130 coming to me from an old account I thought I'd closed. My brother had $400 from the hospital... he can't remember why. Check it out, Texans.

posted at 3:34 PM

Friday, October 17, 2003

Schwarzeneggar is Mr. Sparkle

Japander.com has some bizarre TV commercials Gov. Arnold did in Japan. Did you ever see the excellently weird Simpsons episode where Homer's likeness is used in the Japanese commercial for Mr. Sparkle? These clips are that sort of weird. Especially the one labeled "Peace Out." Good god. Bad acid. Thanks, Rodney, for the link.

posted at 8:22 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2003

weird fireworks photo

Scanning some old negatives for my Idle Time site, I ran across this bizarre photo from the city's July 4 fireworks in 1983. Pretty neat, huh?

posted at 10:38 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Beetle scan

I loaned my digital camera to a co-worker, and it was no longer working when he returned it. So, I present scans instead. Found this (as of yet) unidentified beetle outside the building. Got a new scanner yesterday, and this is my test scan. Couldn't find the beetle on Texas A&M's excellent Field Guide to Common Texas Insects. Look at his feet, in the enlargement. I especially like his antennae.

posted at 12:20 PM

Monday, October 13, 2003

Eastern Phoebe

An Eastern Phoebe was hopping around in the Shumard Oaks outside my office window until a Mockingbird chased it away. The Phoebe is the first bird I've seen out there that wasn't a Bluejay or Mockingbird.

posted at 10:41 AM

Thursday, October 02, 2003


Fischerspooner Dancer
Bubba and I went to see Fischerspooner Saturday night (at no cost to us, I might add). I knew very little about FS, other than they do a real sweet cover of a real sweet Wire song and that folks either love 'em or hate 'em. We had an utter blast. Campy as all hell. Bubba noticed within minutes that Mr. Spooner was lip-synching - I hadn't - but then later, he camped that up, too, drinking beer and smoking while the lyrics went on without him. I don't know if I'd call 'em Electro-clash or performance art (as they've been called). More like a way overproduced SHOW, like Broadway, like Cats or something... kind of like Blue Man Group was, actually. (This is coming from the guy that stopped going to ROCK shows in early 1980.) Well, I guess you could call the guy with the spurting blood capsules performance art, if you had to. It would've been back in the '80's, anyway. Seemed more appropriate to an early Butthole Surfers show than an otherwise slick and campy whatever show. Sick 80's retro.... A couple of photos here.

Nigel does a typically funny review of the same show over at the yes/no interlude.

posted at 3:48 PM

To serve as a juror, you must meet qualifications. You must:

Q4. be of sound mind and good moral character;
Do you meet this qualification?
Yes     No     Uncertain

posted at 3:29 PM