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Monday, June 30, 2003

Insomnia and hyperdictionary

Wow. This is cool. Hyperdictionary. Why have I not heard of this before? Insomnia in the hyperdictionary's thesaurus (some questionable synonyms).

But I really need some sleep. I knew that Italian sausage was going to be a problem!

-posted by edgy

posted at 4:11 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2003


My new (first cell) phone just arrived. This silly thing has a camera built in to it...

posted at 4:27 PM

not ready

"We can be afraid or we can not be afraid."

Someone didn't like the new billboard in our neighborhood. We didn't like it, either, but didn't do anything but grouse about it. Talk about t_rrorism! www.ready.g_v is it.

posted at 3:56 PM

Changes at Blogger.com

Oi. Big changes at Blogger. New interface, etc. Titles... what a concept. Oh, and the new preview feature on the template page is a major improvement. Very nice. Hopefully they'll fix the images not showing up in "Preview Your Post."

posted at 3:00 PM

Monday, June 23, 2003

It seems kinda sad, in a strange way. I had to move my first ever web page from the old VAX/VMS server it's been on for the last 6 or 7 years. I would just retire it - since I haven't updated it in forever - but it still gets a lot of traffic, especially the tattoo page (which also generates some really questionable e-mail). Yep, old http://wwwvms.utexas.edu/~edge has moved into a folder on ccwf, called - in honor of its old home - vms.

Still have some cleaning up to do. Some of my very earliest attempts at html are there and kind of a mess.

posted at 3:41 PM

2blowhards.com: California, Religion and Art
Oh, I like this blog entry by Michael Blowhard. Some of the same stuff I was troubling over in my 4 A.M. insomnia. (What a Monday....)

posted at 2:24 PM

Well, I may be the last person on the planet to do so, but I ordered my very first cellphone today. My car broke down on the way to work and I had to walk about a mile in the stifling humidity to find a payphone. Didn't, in fact, find a payphone as they are becoming increasingly scarce. Had to borrow a business's phone. Decided right then to get a cellphone when I finally made it in to work.

It's funny that, being a gadget freak, I don't have one already... except that I hate phones. Except when I need one and can't find one.

posted at 1:15 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Happy Summer solstice! We spent the afternoon at Barton Springs, reading, loafing, and swimming. Jenni's reading the latest Harry Potter, just released at midnight - though she didn't get it 'til nearly noon today. I'm reading an insane memoir called 'Running with Scissors,' by Augusten Burroughs.

posted at 6:03 PM

Monday, June 16, 2003

Happy Bloomsday!
Celebrate by listening to a recording of James Joyce reading from Finnegan's Wake

posted at 3:06 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Okay, finally getting around to posting our Belize photos.

posted at 10:34 AM

Monday, June 09, 2003

Thursday night, dj spaghetti played First Thursday on South Congress, and I did the video .... uh, performance? presentation? Video show. 5 TVs and monitors playing my dj spaghetti videos, the latest being fresh from iMovie on Jenni's new iMac and dumped to my digital video camera. We may do it again the first Thursday in August.

posted at 3:07 PM

Couldn't get enough of that coastal scene, apparently. Spent a long weekend on Galveston Island (Texas coast) with Jenni's family. I took my kayak and paddled around on the bay side, in the marsh lands, checking out the birds. Added several birds to my list, but the most impressive would have to be the Roseate Spoonbill (see photo below). I mistook it for a flamingo at a distance (thought I was in Florida). The American Oystercatcher has a pretty impressive beak. I also enjoyed watching the Terns and Pelicans hurl themselves at the water. And the Black Skimmers, that skim right along the water's edge (surf side). Also saw Magnificent Frigatebirds, Willets (one close enough to hear his long bill clapping as he squawked at me), Anhinga (also known as Water Turkeys!), and many and various gulls, herons, egrets. I can see why the area is called The Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail.

Blurry pink birds from a video capture. The Roseate Spoonbills.

posted at 2:20 PM

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

belize trees, swaying in the breeze

Ahh... I miss Belize. Sure was hard to come back to the USA and to work. Especially through George Bush International Airport in Houston. My god, what a nightmare of security checkpoints and standing for long periods in cramped hallways where we couldn't see what the hold up around the corner was. Thank you, Tom Ridge, for raising an Orange Alert the day before our trip and removing it right after we got back. We certainly appreciate it. It made our trip more memorable.

posted at 8:37 AM

3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference


via IMproPRieTies

posted at 8:32 AM

Monday, June 02, 2003

Oh, yeah. We're back from Belize. It was a fantastic trip. Monkeys in the jungle (not to mention a million new birds for my life list), iguanas on the beach, and stingrays in the ocean. I'd never been to Central America or the Caribbean. (Shame on me.) This was a first, but it won't be the last time. I will post more photos when I get 'em organized.

posted at 2:32 PM


Hoo-eee! Saw Buzzcocks Saturday night. They were fast, furious, and LOUD. Playing the old hits from 1976 and thereabouts. Buzzcocks were one of the first punk bands I ever heard, on Rev. Neil X's show on KUT-FM (sometime in the late '70's). The song Autonomy, which they played Saturday night. Punk rock nostalgia... but then the music seems just as fresh now as it did then.

posted at 2:25 PM