wCyclone of Indifference
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Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Forgot my damn binoculars at home. I can't believe it. Saw a Stellar's Jay, several Gray Jays, Ravens, and Mountain Chickadees. I was hoping to see some birds up here, and I have. I like the ravens, with their belching croak....

posted at 8:00 PM

Logging in and blogging from atop Keystone Mountain in Colorado. Skiing the last 3 days, at Breckenridge, Arapahoe Basin and here. Nice.

posted at 3:35 PM

Saturday, February 22, 2003

It's been too long. Got to go kayaking today for the first time since New Year's Eve day. I think that's the longest break I've ever taken from paddling. It was good to be back. Beautiful spring-like day. Sunny and warm. Sweet!

Off to Colorado tomorrow (way too early - hope my alarm goes off) for a few days of skiing with my kayaking bud, John.

posted at 8:57 PM

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Salon.com Technology | Use the blog, Luke

A Steven Johnson article on Salon, speculating about the recent acquisition of Pyra (Blogger) by Google. What interested me most in the article is this bit about blogs and blogdex, that they "share a conceptual limitation... that is hard-wired into the software used by the great majority of webloggers: They are organized around time."

"Time is central to the philosophical DNA the blogs share with journalism... [whereas] Google... is largely oblivious to time."

Funny, I was up late last night with some raging insomnia thinking about blogging and time. I've been wanting to develop a non-linear blog for quite awhile now. I'd been thinking about it even more intensely when I started this blog... that's why the Cyclone's name and tag sounds like something more than a linear on-line diary. I'd like it to behave somewhat like my thought processes, where one idea leads to another as I try to wrap my head around some concept. I kind of see it as a closed system (ie - no links to the web at large), but I'm not sure I would be able to confine myself to such a limitation. So, it would probably just intersect and overlap with the web... like most blogs and websites.

I fear that it would just be re-inventing the wheel for the umpteenth time, but... so what? It would be MY wheel.

Essentially, it would distill and link, for future reference, the trajectory of my thought patterns... much like my offline, traditional, linear, chronological journal (on paper!! in bound, book form!), that I've been keeping for the majority of my life on earth, with the major difference that it would be electronic and LINKED. I come back to issues and ideas I've dealt with in the past, repeatedly, and each revisitation has a slightly different spin on it. It would be nice to be able to easily call up the previous hashings out of a theme.

I guess all I'm saying is that I wish the personal computer had been invented sooner, so that my journals would be electronic rather than in handwritten book form. However, I've had access to or owned a computer for something like 16 years now, and I still keep my offline, non-electronic journal... so wtf?!

(Egads, this entry sounds like the mind of an insomniac.)

Perhaps what it boils down to is that I'd like a tool like Blogger, but one that is organized around memes rather than time. Perhaps such a tool already exists and I just haven't heard about it.

posted at 10:20 AM

reversible: ilike/takingphotoswithmydigitalcamera
You can ignore this post. I'm just experimenting with reversible.org.

via onfocus.com

posted at 10:11 AM

Monday, February 17, 2003


Saturday morning, before the rally, we bought a new birdfeeder. The directions said it might take a week or two before birds found it, but a Chickadee found it pretty quickly. And a Goldfinch, too, but she didn't wait around to be photographed.

posted at 1:59 PM

Saturday, Jenni and I joined 10,000 other folks at the anti-war protest at the state Capitol. Here are a few snapshots I took.

posted at 10:40 AM

Saturday, February 15, 2003

So, after years of trolling eBay for the deluxe 2-in-1 Japanese CD release of The Pop Group, I finally won it, and at much less than the usual $120. And what's more, it came in a package with a bird stamp. Perfect.

posted at 6:22 PM

Friday, February 14, 2003

Happy Valentine's Day

posted at 8:05 PM

AlterNet: Kurt Vonnegut Vs. the !*!@

Thanks for the link, G.

Yow. The original interview was on In These Times and allows comments. Check it out.

posted at 4:39 PM

Let the inspections work!

posted at 4:30 PM

Thursday, February 13, 2003

TIME.com: Jesus and the FDA

More weirdness from the Bush administration. And just when you thought it couldn't get any weirder.

"A quiet battle is raging over the Bush Administration's plan to appoint a scantily credentialed doctor, whose writings include a book titled As Jesus Cared for Women: Restoring Women Then and Now, to head an influential Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel on women's health policy."

posted at 3:54 PM

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Lincoln Darwin
1809-1865 1809-1882

Happy Birthday, Abe and Charles!

posted at 10:19 AM

Man, yoga class was intense last night. Only a few people showed up, so we got to play around and try some more physical stuff, like handstands, Sarvangasana, Chakrasana, and Supta Vajrasana. The first two I found easy, the second two, not so much. Supta Vajrasana was painful, and the Chakrasana, just plain difficult... I don't bend that way... yet. I'm really enjoying yoga this go 'round. Didn't like it as much 10 years ago or whenever it was.

I just hope we're never asked to do Vamana Dhauti, the Gesture of the Elephant, which sounds kinda bulemic to me (involves drinking a liter of water and throwing it up. Yuck.).

sivasakti link via Chocolate Mussolini

posted at 9:06 AM

Birding: stopped on my way to work this morning to check out a Loggerhead Shrike with my binoculars. The black silhouette in the tree that I had ignored as a common Grackle began singing and revealed itself to be Red Winged Blackbird.

Over the weekend, I went in search of the Pileated Woodpecker, a huge woodpecker. Looked Saturday at Webberville Park on the Colorado River, where I got a very good, long look (my first) at a Yellow Shafted Flicker (a type of woodpecker) and a male and female Downy Woodpecker. Jenni and I went Sunday to the Lost Pines, but no luck. Saw several Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers, though, and a Red Bellied Woodpecker. We were on the right track, though. We saw a dead tree that looked like it had been repeatedly blasted at close range with a shotgun... a sure mark that a Pileated Woodpecker had been there.

posted at 8:43 AM

Saturday, February 08, 2003

Dolly Mixture

The out-of-print Dolly Mixture CD, Demonstration Tapes, went for $117 on eBay yesterday.

posted at 10:13 AM

Friday, February 07, 2003

Amazon's Wish List is flawed, at least for forgetful folks like me. I just received my second copy of C.G.Jung's Psychology of Kundalini Yoga. When I opened the package, I suddenly remembered that I ordered this awhile back and haven't read it yet. Damn.

If you order something from your Wish List, it seems it would be removed from said list. But no.

posted at 2:07 PM

I'm watching The Germs on DVD, a short live film called 'Caught In My Eye.' Rented it from Vulcan. It looks like a home-burned DVD. Makes me want a G4 Mac with SuperDrive, so I can put my Pop Group videos on DVD. Then folks could rent The Pop Group from my neighborhood video store. I love technology.

posted at 10:50 AM

Reviled in Many Places Around the World, Americans Are Adored in Kosovo - from Tampa Bay Online

via The Art of Peace

posted at 9:36 AM

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Age Gauge
This is kinda neat. Type yer birthdate in the pop-up window and find your place in history. I'm roughly the same age as Jon Bon Jovi but 29 years younger than Yoko and 19 years older than Britney. Oh, wait, that's the Top 40 age gauge.

posted at 10:46 AM

BBC Profile: Kim Jong-il

Wow, he sounds almost as nuts as John Ashcroft.

posted at 10:40 AM


We saw this wine behind the bar the other night. Haven't had it, but I love that label! (Not crazy about Pinot Grigio. Pinot Noir is another story.) We thought of our friend Bubba, who has a fetish for hand art.

Whole Foods' site says the label is "designed by a famous painter and Kandinsky disciple named Schweizer."

posted at 9:17 AM

It's always interesting to search Basquiat on eBay. Mostly you find copies of the video about Basquiat, but there are always 'Outsider' artists peddling their art under the umbrella of Basquiat's name. Take Gus Fink, for example.

But right now, if you act fast, you can purchase a fire extinguisher that Basquiat tagged with his famous crown logo, for a mere $10,000.

posted at 8:35 AM

FINALLY got to see Downtown 81 last night. The closest it ever played (in theaters) to Austin was Houston and I missed it. Now it's available on DVD. We rented the VHS from Vulcan Video, but I think I might need to have it. Great music... might have to get the soundtrack, too. Maybe.

It was cool to see DNA and James Chance ( or White) and the other No Wave bands of NYC. Very cool. And who knew Basquiat was an actor? Too bad we didn't get to see more of his paintings.

This movie could be considered a 'prequel' to the film 'Basquiat,' which starts off with Basquiat being a poor unknown. Downtown 81 is during that time, before he was Warhol's buddy and the art star of New Yawk.

posted at 7:18 AM

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Pepys’ Diary
Still enjoying Pepy's Diary online - in blog format. Great idea. And reader's annotations make it like being in a worldwide book club.

posted at 1:55 PM

During my lunch break, I saw a flock of about 20 Cedar Waxwings (one of my fave birds) land on a berry-covered bush about 10 feet from me - I was excited to see them so close - but they instantly flew away. I thought at first I had scared them, until I saw the Mockingbird in the bush, fiercely guarding his territory.

posted at 12:44 PM