wCyclone of Indifference
Cyclical redundancy checking and antimatter collection agency: a web of lies



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wFriday, December 27, 2002

Hey hey hey. Christmas holidays are a-okay. Exhausted from some crazy mountain biking with my (younger) brothers this evening.

I've been on a birding bonanza the last two days. I've added several 'lifers' (birder-speak for birds you've never seen before) yesterday and today, including, and I kid you not, a Yellow Bellied Sapsucker today, out at McKinney Falls State Park. (Johnny Carson used to have a thing about Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers, if you're old enough to remember that. I can't remember what his 'thing' was, but he had it.)

I was planning to go out and hear some friends' electronic music, but that mountain biking took it out of me. Not going anywhere tonight. Speaking of electronic music, I forgot to mention that Lupe (my electronic nom de ... electronica) played a friend's party last Saturday night. Kind of. Actually, I was in the audience (audience? A few people standing around) watching pre-recorded Lupe music and video. It was a blast.

posted by edgy at 9:15 PM

wWednesday, December 25, 2002

posted by edgy at 10:56 AM


Angel, don't take your life
Some people have got no pride
They do not understand the urgency of life
But I love you more than life
I love you more than life
-Morrissey, 'Angel, Angel, Down We Go Together'

posted by edgy at 10:28 AM

wMonday, December 23, 2002

Joe Strummer has died.
I can't believe it.
One of my favorite voices, silenced.

posted by edgy at 9:37 PM

wThursday, December 19, 2002

not goodnot bad

I got a new chair at work. Been working on ergonomics and posture as part of my biofeedback program. Sitting up straight is painful. I'm not used to it. I guess I'm midway in the human evolution timeline, right before homo erectus or thereabouts. (Man, you wouldn't believe the crazy stuff I found trying to find the image below. The Scopes Monkey Trials are still going on.)

man or astroman?

posted by edgy at 10:36 AM

wWednesday, December 18, 2002

Music for Airports 1/2

Now this is pretty cool. An extremely simple idea. Elegant. And I don't know about you, but I can (and have) listen to this all day long. Thanks, Rodney, for the link.

posted by edgy at 4:05 PM


It took me a lot of schooling to learn that there is no God.

Thank God for school.

posted by edgy at 3:55 PM


all noise - all the time

RageBoy saved my life tonight. Today. Whatever. Thank god for the irreverance.

posted by edgy at 3:52 PM


Nicenet: Our Philosophy
Before the commercial frenzy of the "dot com" years the Internet was home to a thriving culture of openness and sharing.

Nice quote. Very nice.

posted by edgy at 1:47 PM

wTuesday, December 17, 2002

Over the weekend, Jenni and I finally watched Harry Potter, the first one, because Jenni wants to see the new one and hadn't seen the old one yet. I hadn't had any interest in seeing it, because I thought it was just a dumb kids' film; but I enjoyed it. (Though now I hear the books are much better - isn't that always the way?) I also finally got to see Amelie. Jenni saw it when it was still in the theaters, but I didn't. (I'm not much of a movie-goer.) I quite enjoyed it. Too bad I missed it on the big screen.

posted by edgy at 4:47 PM


Saw this be-yoo-ti-ful butterfly Sunday on my birding hike up Barton Creek and then up Grant Creek. Flawless weather. Long hike. (13,459 steps according to the little pedometer I was playing with, or roughly 7 miles.) Saw very few birds. Chickadees were everywhere -- I could hear them -- but I only saw a few of them. I did get a really good view of a Red-Bellied Woodpecker, though. We had kayaked through the area Friday afternoon, and I had seen some Eastern Phoebes and a pair of Wood Ducks- very impressive; but they were nowhere to be seen on Sunday.

posted by edgy at 4:35 PM

wThursday, December 12, 2002

You know how sometimes you tell a joke and everyone laughs and then a few minutes later, someone laughs because they finally got it? What if you told a joke that took someone 20 years to get? What if someone told you something and it took you 20 years to understand? What if that someone said, "I'm going to tell you something that you won't understand at first. You might not understand it for years." Well, as a young person, you'd be furious at this older person's condescension. But what if 10 years later, you go, 'oh, shit. She/he was right. I didn't get it. Now, I get it.' And then 10 years later, still, you go, 'Shit, I didn't get it at all back then. NOW, I got it.' And so forth.... is it wrong to say, 'You won't understand this for a long time....' or, worse, 'until you're older'? It might be okay to tell a joke that takes people 20 years to get. Just be sure to tell 'em some that they can get right now.

posted by edgy at 9:25 PM

wWednesday, December 11, 2002

Babanji was walking along and came to a wall where he saw written:

Whoever reads this is an ass.

Angered, Babanji meditated staring at the wall for an hour, then rubbed out the words and replaced them with:

Whoever wrote this is an ass.

(Thanks, Rodney)

posted by edgy at 2:28 PM


Another great one from despair.com
Those motivational posters that my dentist and my boss have give me the heebie jeebies. That's why I love these demotivational ones.

posted by edgy at 10:02 AM

wTuesday, December 10, 2002

AKMA and a host of other bloggers are linking to www.despair.com and their hilarious demotivators. I wouldn't have been a copy cat but I found the Indifference one and the Cyclone of such had to link as well. I have been seriously 'demotivated' all day. I took the day off to go kayaking but overslept and missed the boat, so to speak.

Having missed the kayaking this morning, I spent the day reading. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (supernatural tales), Jung, and myself. Old journals, in the case of myself. From 1982. I'm supposed to be writing an article for a 'zine about my 'zine from that time, Idle Time. I was going back to the time looking for clues for the article. My writing hand is a little rusty.

posted by edgy at 7:41 PM

wSunday, December 08, 2002

Yow. Paddled 17 miles on the Pedernales River. From Johnson City to Pedernales Falls State Park. The farthest I've ever paddled. It was fairly painful towards the end of the paddle. Cold and overcast, too. (Brought my cold back with a vengeance!) But oh so scenic and beautiful out there. Tons of birds: kingfishers, killdeer, sandpipers, cormorants, hawks, great blue herons, black buzzards and many more. And some incredible geology. Too bad we didn't have a geologist along. John and I work with geologists, but we don't know any that do whitewater.

posted by edgy at 9:50 AM

wWednesday, December 04, 2002

Oh, boy, I know how excited you are! Here are the latest kayak photos.

posted by edgy at 7:49 PM


Hey, geek! Beam me up!

oh man

posted by edgy at 7:04 PM