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wSaturday, November 30, 2002

Oh, and I made it through 'buy nothing day' without buying anything (other than coffee, a bran muffin, and beer). When I posted the 'buy nothing' post, I thought I'd be camping, so there'd be no temptation. But the camping trip fell through, and I thought maybe I'd be a hypocrite (I'm okay with that). I love to consume.

posted by edgy at 2:37 AM


All I can say at 2:30 a.m. is 'Morrissey is God.'
I'm so glad to grow older.
To move away from those younger years.
I'm in love for the first time.
And I don't feel bad.
Let me see all my old friends.

posted by edgy at 2:33 AM

wWednesday, November 27, 2002

BBC NEWS | In Depth | dot life | The spy inside your home computer

posted by edgy at 10:06 AM


Buy Nothing Day

Buy Nothing Day is "in opposition to the current economic policy in the United States." -CBS, as quoted in Wall Street Journal (very interesting article on adbusters.org site)

posted by edgy at 9:54 AM

wMonday, November 25, 2002

Yuck-ola. Suffering from sort of respiratory ailment. I find it ironic, as I've been doing a significant amount of 'breathwork' in relation to my biofeedback sessions. Funny that I should be so stopped up that I can hardly breathe, much less breathe 'correctly'.

Still managed to go kayaking Saturday on the Lower Guad (low again) and bike riding with Jenni in the hill country yesterday. But a head full of phlegm kept me from sleeping very well last night.

On our drive in the hill country yesterday, we saw a beautiful Kestrel AKA Sparrow Hawk, a tiny little hawk. It ain't New England, but the trees in the hill country had their share of autumn colors. A gorgeous day to be out. (Today ain't so purty. A cold front is sweeping in.)

I took my new waterproof binoculars kayaking Saturday and got to check out an Eastern Phoebe doing its crazy aerial acrobatics. Also saw a large hawk, but couldn't tell what kind.

posted by edgy at 11:30 AM

wTuesday, November 19, 2002

Leonids! We got up early to watch the Leonid meteor shower. I don't think we got up early enough, but we saw a dozen or so shooting stars. I'm tired. Could've used those couple of extra hours of sleep!

posted by edgy at 7:52 AM

wMonday, November 18, 2002

Online miniature golf. Addictive!

posted by edgy at 3:53 PM

wSaturday, November 16, 2002

Oh, man, what a night we had last night. Friends and family all in town on a Friday night. Met Kathleen, Mike, and Jason at Trudy's after work. Then my sister-in-law Jessica, visiting from Wisconsin, joined us. Then Jenni joined us after awhile. Then Calvin, my 2 year old nephew arrived, and the party really started. We moved it to our house. Bubba came over. Then Jenni's brother Chris.

I hadn't seen Calvin for too long. He's grown up quite a bit. Last time I saw him he called me Dit-T. Now, it's Uncle Dixon. I'm a proud uncle.

After awhile, Bubba, Jason, Mike, and I headed out to see X at Emo's. I hadn't seen them in 22 years. Great show. Here are photos from the last time I saw them. I didn't take pics last night.

I was slow getting started this morning. We didn't get in til 3:30 A.M. or so. Jenni and I went out to Hornsby Bend to try out my new binoculars. Funny how it's a different scene everytime we go out there. No wading birds this time. But a larger variety of ducks and coots.

The mail brought good things today. My Don van Vliet (Captain Beefheart) art book and my copies of Wreck Collection, the Big Boys retrospective CD that's been in the works for years. Several of my photos were used and snippets from Idle Time 4. Listening to it now. Very cool.

posted by edgy at 7:39 PM

wFriday, November 15, 2002

Good interview with Jacques Derrida in LA Weekly.
(via SBJ via AKMA)
"For many centuries, the city was a crucially important center of commerce, but with new technology that's no longer the case, and the politics of owning a place are different. Nevertheless, the place remains important. A friend of mine recently said there are two things today that can't be deterritorialized or virtualized: They are Jerusalem -- nobody wants virtual Jerusalem, they want to own the actual soil -- and the other thing is oil. The capitalistic nation states live on oil, and although that could be changed, the whole society would collapse if it did. That's why oil is a problem. It's more of a problem in America than it is in Europe, but we share the same concerns. Everything is always more in America, for obvious reasons."

posted by edgy at 9:27 AM

wTuesday, November 12, 2002

As promised, here are the latest kayaking pics. Bought myself a pair of waterproof binoculars at lunch today. I hope they're really waterproof and not just rain resistant; because I see a lot of birds while kayaking, and I want to be able to bring them along.

posted by edgy at 6:42 PM

wSunday, November 10, 2002

Lovin' life. Two days in a row of kayaking. Sweet. Lower Guad at 500 cfs was a little tamer than last weekend, but the absolutely heavenly sunshine weather made up for it. Snuck in a little birding. Checking out the Kingfishers and Phoebes (I think... I'm still a beginner in this bird identification thing). Didn't see the flock of wild turkeys we saw a couple of weeks ago. What a completely beautiful day. Margaritas at Trudy's on the deck with the elms raining down their golden leaves in the sun didn't hurt a bit.

posted by edgy at 6:34 PM

wSaturday, November 09, 2002

Holy guacamole. Some really fine paddling on Barton Creek. Absolutely flawless weather. The creek wasn't flowing very high; in fact, we'd never thought of paddling it at such a low level, but it was a blast. And gorgeous. So clear and cool. Very nice. Pictures soon.

posted by edgy at 5:30 PM


Having finished the Beefheart bio, I am now re-reading C. G. Jung's autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Always a treat. It was my introduction to Jung 15 years ago, and it changed my life. Changed my way of thinking. Led to my taking lots of classes at the Jung Society of Austin and later serving on the board, not to mention, after much hesitation, starting Jungian anaylsis.

posted by edgy at 9:49 AM


I won the auction on the Captain Beefheart, or rather Don Van Vliet, artbook. Can't wait to receive it. I've got all the Captain's music, now I'll have some art. He retired from music a couple of decades ago to concentrate on painting. Here's the scan from ebay. It's funny, I'd never thought to search for his art. Didn't even know he had a book out. But I finished that bio, Beefheart, and the final chapter was about his art and mentioned the book as expensive and rare. I got on ebay and there it was, not all that expensive. Cool. I also won an auction on a small book of his poetry with a CD of some readings.

posted by edgy at 9:39 AM


Was in class all week, learning Red Hat Linux Networking and Security Administration. Learned some great stuff that should help me out at work quite a bit.

Monday I had a biofeedback session. Trying to learn to breathe. Correctly. Monday evening, my Dad had two seizures, the second while I was sitting with him and while the paramedics were there. I'd never seen a person having a seizure (much less my father). It's pretty unnerving. But he came out of it pretty quickly and went to sleep. His hyperventilating made me want to work on my breathing (deeply and slowly) all the more. That shallow, 'faulty breathing' runs deep in our culture.

Last Saturday I kayaked the biggest water I'd ever been on. The Lower Guad was at 3100 cfs (cubic feet per second). The week before I'd done it at 600 cfs. I had been a little afraid I might not have the skills for it, but I did okay. And that made me proud.

Wednesday, after my Linux class, Jenni and I had our Couples Massage class. We're learning all sorts of nifty stuff. Getting an intro to Swedish, Shiatsu, and Thai massage.

Thursday, I had a much needed massage. I spend most working days in front of a computer (or many computers) all day, but the class was even more intense on my shoulders. It was nice to get some knots worked out.

And today, the weather is absolutely beautiful. I hope to go paddling.

posted by edgy at 9:24 AM

wSaturday, November 02, 2002

BBBOnLine Reliability Seal
 I was bidding on some Captain Beefheart rarities on eBay, when I saw this logo. Thought it was funny, 'cause of the Captain's song, Trust Us. And because 'Trust Us' is such a weird thing to say. Don't ever trust anyone who says Trust me! -- But if you can't trust the Better Business Bureau, who can you trust?

posted by edgy at 8:27 AM